Challenge Almere-Amsterdam 2023
9 september 2023
Almere is the beating heart of Dutch triathlon with the CHALLENGEALMERE-AMSTERDAM as its highlight: a unique event by international standards, which is a once in a lifetime experience for athletes, volunteers, and supporters.
The CHALLENGEALMERE-AMSTERDAM is organized by volunteers only. The board and three race directors direct a team of managers. Each of these managers gets help from a group of volunteers to organize their specific part of the race. Various volunteers are active throughout the year in order to prepare the race. Managers meet each other every six to eight weeks to discuss preparations for the race and take days off for the race in order to build and dismantle the event.
Het evenement
As a volunteer you will meet many new people and contribute to the succes of the event. Without volunteers, organizing Europe Triathlon Long Distance Championships will be impossible. There are several volunteer functions, below you will find a list. Click on the function for more information.
If you sign up as a volunteer you will be assigned to one of our teams and your manager will provide you with all the information you need. We will take care of you during the event. There will be a tent where volunteers can get food and drinks. Cars will drive around the course all day to provide all volunteers with coffee and tea.
Jouw taak
The motor crew includes all motors that are on course during the Europe Triathlon Long Distance Championships. The motor crew is mainly active on the bike course. There are several functions that bikers can occupy, which are explained below. A training and selection day will be organised for all motor riders, after which advice will be given about the work to be done.
Driving Jury
Driving press
Drivers in front
Course monitoring
Other tasks